About Jordan


Jordan Parker is the co-founder of the Claire Parker Foundation and an educator. He has built and executed an organization which has seen tremendous growth within hospitals across the region in only five years.  His knowledge and experience has assisted him in solidifying support, expanding programs, connecting with individuals, and mentoring future businessman.  His focus is to use his insight to teach, educate, and train others.


Every Word Matters

It is important to understand how to engage in meaningful conversation. Whether it be assisting customers/patients, solidifying a grant, or communicating between coworkers, Jordan Parker has an understanding of how to effectively approach a situation and communicate with intent.

Related Topics: Advocating for Others, Developing Empathy, Effective Communication, Creating Connections


Working with Families in Crisis

Through personal experience in both receiving the support, as well as, giving it, Jordan Parker has learned the dos and don’ts of how to effectively work with families in crisis. He has learned how to successfully guide families undergoing stressors in the hospital, school, and work settings.

Related Topics: Managing Uncertainty, Inspiration, Advocating for Others, Developing Empathy, Building Trust


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